Browse Items
- 19th century
- Aaron Burr
- adventurer
- Albert Bierstadt
- Alexander Hamilton
- America
- American flag
- Americans
- ammo
- ammunition
- Amy S. Greenberg
- Andrew W. Melrose
- angel
- annexation
- antebellum America
- army train
- artillery
- Atlantic Ocean
- axes
- bales
- barrels
- battle
- beard
- birds
- Blucher
- bodies
- boots
- border
- buckskin
- buffalo
- building
- cabin
- cannon
- cattle
- celebration
- chief
- children
- Chinese
- Christian imagery
- clouds
- coed wagons
- colony
- Columbia
- cotton
- cows
- crowd
- crucifix
- Cuba
- Cumberland Gap
- Daniel Boone
- death
- deer
- dog
- dogs
- drowning
- duel
- Eagle Pass
- editor
- Emanuel Leutze
- Emily B. Souder
- escort
- European contact
- exclusion
- expansion
- farm
- fence
- fight
- filibuster
- fire
- flag
- flagraising
- flags
- foundered
- Frederick Merk
- frontier
- General
- General Arsita
- General Taylor
- George Caleb Bingham
- George Washington
- governor
- Grammatik
- gypsies
- Hamilton fish
- Harvard
- hats
- headdress
- Henry H. Schile
- Hernando DeSoto
- histian
- historian
- hoes
- horse
- horses
- husband
- idyllic
- independence
- Indian
- infants
- Jacksonville
- Jane Cazneau
- Jane McManus
- John Calhoun
- John Gast
- John L. O'Sullivan
- John Steuart Curry
- Joshua Shaw
- journalist
- knife
- labor
- land
- liberation
- Lilly Martin Spencer
- Linda Hudson
- male and female
- Manifest Destiny
- Manist Mistress
- mao
- Mathew B. Brady
- Mexco
- Mexian American War
- Mexican American War
- Mexican cession
- Mexican- American War
- Mexico
- Mississippi River
- Mistress of Manifest Destiny
- monk
- mountaind
- mountains
- mustache
- Narciso Lopez
- Native American
- Native Americans
- nature
- new border
- New Mexico
- New Orleans
- New York Tribune
- newspaper
- nineteenth century woman
- ocean
- oceanside
- officers
- old clothing
- orders
- outbuildings
- oxen
- patriarchal
- payment for acquired lands
- peace pipe
- peonage
- people
- PhD
- plantation
- plaque
- politician
- politicians
- politics
- poor
- popularity
- portrait
- poster
- prairie
- presidency
- professor
- progress
- promised land
- protect family
- queen of Islands king of rivers
- railroad
- railroads
- rails
- real estate
- removal
- rifle
- rifles
- Rio Grande
- riverside
- Robert D. Sampson
- rowing
- sale
- salute
- Santa Anna
- scalp
- school books
- seaside
- secret agent
- senator
- settlers
- ship
- ship arrivals
- ship movements
- ships
- sky
- slaery
- slave auction
- slavery
- slavery New Mexico
- slaves
- soldiers
- Spain
- State Historical Survey Committee
- sunset
- surf
- team
- Texas
- Texas Republic
- Thomas Jefferson
- trade
- tree stumps
- trees
- troops
- tt
- uniforms
- United States Army
- United States Magazine and Democratic Review
- Vice president
- volunteers
- wagon
- wagon train
- wagon trian
- war
- war news
- war progress
- war uniforms
- westward expansion
- White family
- whte family
- wife
- William Henry Powell
- William Jewett
- William Ranney
- women
- wounded
- Zachary Taylor